Основна дейност
Производство на стъкло/изделия от стъкло
Специализирано оборудване
Обработвани материали
Стъкло, Черни метали
Сфера на приложение
Авиация и самолетотроене, Автомобилостроене, Енергетика/Ядрена енергетика, Здравна/Фармацефтична, Индустрия на Лукса, Отбрана/Сигурност/Военна, Проектиране/Дизайн/Проучване, Транспорт и Логистика, Химична
,Glass products
Glass manufacture,Technical glass manufacture,Industrial Glass Manufacture
1285 Chemin de Pintou, HAGETAUBIN, 64370, France
Лице за контакти
D.U.N.S номер
ДДС Номер
VERREHAGET is specilized in processing hot and cold technical glass and glass products. We ralize in France and abroad in our workshops special pieces for industry (small and medium series) and find solutions to the specific requirements for laboratories, designers, advertising etc...
VERREHAGET is also your supplier for borosilicate glass, soda lime, quartz or silica glass, ceramic and optical glass. Our expertise and knowledge of glass for over 40 years, allows us to help you to select the good glass and the form apporpriate to your product whther standard or special.
VERREHAGET is also your supplier for borosilicate glass, soda lime, quartz or silica glass, ceramic and optical glass. Our expertise and knowledge of glass for over 40 years, allows us to help you to select the good glass and the form apporpriate to your product whther standard or special.