Riddham Circuits Inc.
Основна дейност
Екетроника: Производство, Електроника: Пасивни компоненти
Специализирано оборудване
Други (CNC driling )
Обработвани материали
Мед, Стомана
Сфера на приложение
Автомобилостроене, Електроника, Проектиране/Дизайн/Проучване, Телекомуникационна
Lead or lead-free PCB assembly, in nitrogen or in air atmosphere,PCB manufacturing
Riddham Circuits Inc.
S-212,Sarjan complex-2,New C.G.Road,Oakland
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We are one of the industry's best and most reliable high technology quick turn companies in India for Printed Circuit Boards solutions having presence over 10+ countries and 5,000+ satisfied customers globally. Our company has provided industry's leading interconnection technology to the Defense, Aerospace, Medical, Consumer, and Automotive, Telecom markets world wide. We are supplier of major government institutions like ISRO, IPR, SAC, PRL, TIFR & many more. We are also providing services for prime private companies like Zydus Cadila, Arvind Group, Einfochips, Miraj Group, Uniphos Envirotronic and many others. Our detailed catalogue is attached for your future reference.Our Services are as mentioned below:PCB Design Services:PCB Designing as per IPC-2221(A), IPC-2222, IPC-7351 standards.Schematics Development.BOM Generation & Analysis.Expertise in PCB Reverse Engineering.PCB Manufacturing of the following specifications:Min Track Width : 4/4 mil (Proto) & 5/5 mil (volume)Min Spacing: 4/4 mil (Proto) & 5/5 mil (volume)Min Hole Diameter: 0.25 mm finishThickness: 0.4 to 4 mmType: Rigid | Flexible | Flex–Rigid | Metal Core | Metal CladBlind Via | Buried ViaAspect Ratio: 1:8Min SMT Pitch: 20 milLayer Count: Up to 20 LayersFinish (SMOBC)HASL | Lead Free HASL | ENIG Finish Copper Thickness: 35 microns to 200 micronsLower Lead TimeIPC Standard: CLASS-2Electronic Components SupplierAll kinds of Active and Passive Components.We are an authorized supplier for Microchip, Wurth and many more.PCB Assembly ServicesManual SolderingWave SolderingStencils Manufacturing of all sizesFramed Stencil ManufacturingFrameless Stencils ManufacturingR&D ServicesEmbedded System Development.IoT Device & Product Development.Hardware Development & Designing.Software Programming (C, Embedded programming & more)UI/UX Designing & Development.RCI can understand the needs of the customers and can deliver the PCB in 5 working days. Capable of handling Proto, Medium and large Volume Orders with assembly, component procurements and programming.Successfully produced boards up to 20 layers since operation commencement. RCI team is expert in Home and Industrial Automation, Product Development, Embedded Development and much more over various platforms.Please rush with your valued inquiry, we will submit our best quote to cater you the best qualitative Printed Circuit Board in the world.