Friconde, SA

Основна дейност
Металообработка: Mеханична обработка, Металообработка: Полуготови изделия, Металообработка: Производство на метални структури, Металообработка: Специализирани машини, Металообработка: Цветни метали, Металообработка: Черни метали, Модели/Прототипи, Обработка на фина ламарина
Специализирано оборудване
Валци , Гилотина , Колонна бормашина , Лазерно рязане - плоско, Лазерно рязане - тръби и профили, Машина за заваряване , Машина за маркиране , Машина за сгъване на ламарина , Машина за спояване на платмаса , Машина за точково заваряване , ТИГ заваряване
Обработвани материали
Алуминий, Бронз, Въглеродна стомана, Мед, Месинг, Неръждаема стомана, Никел, Полиуретан, Стомана, Титан, Цинк/Сплави на цинк
Сфера на приложение
Авиация и самолетотроене, Автомобилостроене, Здравна/Фармацефтична, Индустриални подизпълнители, Мебелна, Металообработка, Проектиране/Дизайн/Проучване, Производство на оборудване, Селско стопанство, Строителство, Химична
STAINLESS STEEL PARTS,Prototypes,Design of objects,Finished products,Metal parts,Semi-finished and finishing products,Sheet metal parts,Equipment for food industries,Industrial equipment,Mechanical sub-systems,Subsets,Metal pieces,High precision parts,MECHANICAL AND HYDRAULIC PARTS,Special handling machines,Special process machines,Aluminium Pieces,Doorpanel
Mechanical welding and machining,Laser cutting on sheet metal,Milling,Spot welding,Laser cutting on tubes and profiles,Laser welding,Welding,Engraving and laser making,Expertise in welded fabricated sections,Welding of materials like Aluminum and Stainless Steel by TIG welding,Welding of sheet metal parts on pipes,Semi-automatic welding by inert or active gas,TIG welding,Laser cutting of sheet metal,TIG welding technology,Laser Etching,Lasers welding,Fibre Laser Cutting,precision welding,MIG, MAG, TIG & Point Welding, turning,Welding of nuts, hooks etc. on pipes,fiber laser welding machine,Our company is a specialist in welding and metalworking, we specialize in laser cutting of materials, spotwelding, grinding, welding and assembly of mechanical sub-assemblies of medium dimensionS

Friconde, SA
Rua Dona Laura Osório, 70 4480-509 Vila do Conde
Лице за контакти
Pedro Hora
D.U.N.S номер
ДДС Номер
Friconde, S.A, was established in 1987. It began as a small unit for the manufacture of domestic and commercial refrigeration equipment. However, its philosophy of growth coupled with the constant quality and development of its products required the transition to a new industrial area, of 19,000 m², equipped with state-of-the-art technology, focused on Industry 4.0.It is located in an area of growing industrial development, 24 km north of the city of Porto.We firmly believe and focus our resources on R+D+I as a key element for the development and growth of our company.We work every day to upgrade our products, to develop and design new ones, always with focus on the end user that will work along our products.With the focus on the industry 4.0 we always improve also our manufacturing processes to offer the most competitive solutions to our partners.