Neroli Met
la Lettonie
Secteur d'activité
Métaux: Chaudronnerie / Constructions métalliques , Métaux: Découpage, Emboutissage, Métaux: Finition, traitements thermiques, traitements de surfaces, Métaux: Produits Semi-finis et procédés, Métaux: Usinage, Services à l'industrie, Soudage, Tôlerie fine
Équipement spécialisé
Centre de tournage/fraisage, Cintreuse de tubes (megabender 030: D60,3x2mm, 50x2mm, 40x2mm ), Massicot (welding services MIG / MAG Fronius 315A, Lincoln 270A, AC / DC KEMPI 3200Wt, Tig FIMER-Kronus 300 DUAL PULSE ), Poinçonneuse (Orbital pipe welding Pipe diameter 25-115 mm Pipe thickness 1-8 mm ), Presse hydraulique (Kempi ), Soudage MIG ( 3 meters long, black metal cutting up to 6 mm ), Soudage robotisé, Soudage TIG (3m 80t. )
Matières travaillées
Acier, Acier inoxydable, Aluminium, Laiton, Polyamide (PA), Polyéthylène (PE), Polypropylène (PP)
Marché d`application
Agriculture, Agroalimentaire, Chimie / Parachimie, Construction de machines/Machines Outils, Défense/Sécurité/Armement, Emballage, Fabrication d'équipement, Industrie de construction/Bâtiment, Santé/Médical/Pharmacie, Sous-traitants industriels
Equipment for food industries,Industrial equipment,Conveyors,, GEARS, Pipes, Sheet metal parts, Electrical cabinets, Frames, Gearbox, Elevators, Conveyors, Drums, steel platforms, Manufacture of pressure vessels, base frames, Big Welded Constructions, Cardan Ring, CNC Machining Tools, Draghead, Non-standard Steel Constructions,Food industry equipment,stainless steel tanks,mixers reactors decanters separators filter cages crystallizers powder mixers mixing devices vacuum dryers screw conveyors high shear mixerd pressure apparatus columns, evaporators modular skid systems processing equipment tubular heat exchangers granulat,Specialized Industrial Equipment
Tubes roll bending,TIG welding,Machines CNC laser,Bending tube CNC,TIG/MIG welding,Cnc Milling, CNC Machining, CNC Turning, saw cutting,MIG TIG robotic welding,Sheet Bending
Neroli Met
+371 22338312
Personne de contact
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VAT number
Neroli Met Ltd. with production space 700m2 is a experienced and professional metalworking company that specializes in designing and manufacturing technological equipment and lines of various levels of complexity for food industry and non-food industry. The experience of the company’s management, designers and employees in cooperation with customer's specialists allows making significant improvements in optimization of production processes and raising profitability. Neroli Met Ltd. is to provide our services in compliance with the highest standards and to achieve in each separate project the best possible results for optimizing production processes and improving profitability. We offer high-quality manufacturing, installation, production line assembly and designing services.