Grupo Gomur

Tier 2
Secteur d'activité
Autres, Maintenance Industrielle, Métaux: Chaudronnerie / Constructions métalliques , Métaux: Métaux ferreux , Métaux: Métaux non ferreux, Métaux: Usinage, Services à l'industrie, Soudage
Équipement spécialisé
Aléseuse - 5 Axes, Cabine de grenaillage, Cabine de peinture, Centre de tournage - 3 Axes, Chambre de sablage , Grue portuaire, Machine de mesure dimensionnelle 3D contrôle, Machine de soudage, Perceuse à colonne, Perceuse radiale, Rugosimètre de surface, Soudage MIG, Soudage TIG, Tour vertical
Matières travaillées
Acier, Acier au carbone, Acier inoxydable, Aluminium, Bronze, Cuivre, Inconel, Métaux ferreux, Métaux non ferreux
Marché d`application
Aérospatial, Automobile, Chimie / Parachimie, Construction de machines/Machines Outils, Construction navale et portuaire, Défense/Sécurité/Armement, Energie/Nucléaire, Environnement, Fabrication d'équipement, Sidérurgie/Métallurgie, Sous-traitants industriels
construction metalwork,Industrial equipment,CNC machined parts, manufacture,LONG PRODUCTS,Welding constructions,Welders,Parts for industrial environment,services for subcontractieng#
Metal processing,Assembly Processes,Quality Control,Fabrication,Mechanical welding and machining,Industrial Maintenance,Industry Services,Assembly,Mechanical welding,Powder and paint booth,Blasting,Machining,Large sized machining,Boring,Milling,Finishing,Numerical control NC machining,Shot blasting,3D control, thermal and surface treatments, turning

Grupo Gomur
Polígono de Cros, S, puerta 17, 39600 Maliaño de Camargo (Spain)
Personne de contact
Victoria Fernández
D.U.N.S nombre
VAT number
Grupo Gomur is a group of several companies based in the north of Spain and related to the metal and mechanical construction sector, specialized in manufacturing and machining of large parts. Our main work areas are:•Mechanical engineering•Mechanical and welding construction up to 40 tn. The welding company is called Montajes Gomur:•Engineering•Welding constructions up to 45 tons•Pre-assembly and assembly of machines•Precision machinery of large parts, up to 14 m and 25 tn. The machining company is called Gomur Mecanizados:•Machining 2D/3D. Pieces up to 25 tons•Vertical lathes up to Ø5000x3100•Horizontal lathes up to Ø2000x6000•Milling and boring machines up to 14000x4000•Láser tracker•Shot blasting, metallizing and painting•Industrial assemblies and maintenanceGrupo Gomur works for clients from various sectors, among others aeronautical, wind energy, energy, paper, nuclear, naval, steel, railway…