Gavrić montaža

la Croatie 
Secteur d'activité
Electricité, Métaux: Chaudronnerie / Constructions métalliques , Métaux: Décolletage, Métaux: Découpage, Emboutissage, Métaux: Finition, traitements thermiques, traitements de surfaces, Métaux: Fixations industrielles, Métaux: Machines spéciales, Métaux: Produits Semi-finis et procédés, Métaux: ressorts, Production électronique / électrique, Services à l'industrie, Soudage, Еlectronique: Composants actifs , Еlectronique: Composants passifs
Équipement spécialisé
Centres de perçage / taraudage, Découpe et Poinçonnage - Combiné, Equipment d`Oxycoupage, Grue mobile, Machine de soudage, Presse hydraulique, Soudage MIG, Soudage TIG
Matières travaillées
Acier, Acier au carbone, Acier inoxydable, Aluminium, Cuivre, Métaux ferreux
Marché d`application
Ingénierie/Recherche, Construction de machines/Machines Outils, Electronique, Energie/Nucléaire, Fabrication d'équipement, Industrie de construction/Bâtiment, Prestataire de service, Sidérurgie/Métallurgie, Sous-traitants industriels
Industrial equipment,Electrical components and equipment,Pressure tanks and pipes
Montage,MIG TIG manual welding,Zavarivanje cijevi i tlačnih spremnika,Projektiranje,Mag zavarivanje,Instalacija električnioh komponenti

Gavrić montaža
Gornje Ladanje, Bana Jelacica 67, Hrvatska
+385 42676074
Personne de contact
magdalena krajnik
D.U.N.S nombre
VAT number
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen!We, the company Gavrić Montaža d.o.o. with the seat in Gornje Ladanje near 42000 Varaždin, Croatia, would like to introduce ourselves briefly and offer with this letter our cooperation with our services as subcontractors. We are looking for a strategic partner for whom we can perform assembly, electrician and tig welding works in order to further establish ourselves.The company Gavrić Montaža d.o.o. is specialized, as already mentioned, in the execution of welding works of all kinds, including: TIG welding (welding of black and white pipes - unlimited pipe thicknesses, as well as its installation) as well as MAG welding. In addition, we have appropriate certificates and 10 years of professional experience in welding and industrial assembly throughout Europe (Schäfer -Apparatebau- Mosbach, welding of tanks, Schwelm-Anlagetechnik, gas pipeline and stainless steel pipes, F & H-Industriemontage Papierfabriken, Kozina GmbH chemical industry, Dart GmbH - crane welding and assembly, Sommer Zitzelsberger GmbH-food industry, Kostwein GmbH-Austria - execution of part of the machines for Tetrapak, 2 G Energietehnik GmbH biogas plants. In addition, we can offer you services of jigs for pipes, as well as locksmiths, assemblers and electricians.We have in 2022 July a completely new hall, equipped for the production of all types of control cabinets and will also make the prefabrication of pipes and heat exchangers, as well as manufacturing of tanks (steel and stainless steel) of all kinds.You are welcome to contact us so that we can meet your requirements. Expecting your positive answer and also interested in a good cooperation, we remain with kind regards