
la Grèce 
Secteur d'activité
Equipements industriels et accessoires, Métaux: Chaudronnerie / Constructions métalliques , Métaux: Découpage, Emboutissage, Modèles, Soudage, Tôlerie fine
Équipement spécialisé
Cabine de peinture, Cintreuse, Découpe laser - produits plats, Découpe laser - Tubes, Étuve de poudrage, Machine de soudage, Presse à comprimésса, Presse de découpe, Soudage MIG
Matières travaillées
Acier, Acier au carbone, Acier inoxydable, Aluminium, Bronze, Zinc/Alliages de zinc
Marché d`application
Ingénierie/Recherche, Ameublement/Mobilier, Energie/Nucléaire, Sidérurgie/Métallurgie, Télécommunications
Metal frames,Metal parts,Metal structures for furniture,Stands,Racks, Sheet metal parts,Cabinets

Tsouba area, BIPA Avlona, Attica
Personne de contact
D.U.N.S nombre
VAT number
The Astir Company has been active since 1981 in the study, design and construction Dedusting and air cleaning machines and systems. Also in metal constructions such as racks, fan boxes, paint transfer and impregnation systems, filter silo, filter units, fans, paint cabins, paint chambers, active units coal. In recent years, our study and planning has expanded into its field construction of battery scaffolds and closed battery cabins-ups. With reliable, specialized and certified staff covering the departments Study, IT applications, construction design and installation of our systems. The workers we have the appropriate degrees and the corresponding technological knowledge. With external partners consisting of mechanical engineers, politicians engineers, electrical engineers – automation, universities, machine shops. With modern building facilities 3000m2 properly equipped and with spaces storage.Due to the continuous deterioration of the environment and with the aim of protecting it, we do continuous studies and researches aimed at the utilization of green energy for the assurance clean working countries and environmental protection.