Design of Electronics: Trends in 2018 You Should Be Following

Once, only a limited number of manufacturers were concerned about the design of electronics. Now, everyone from appliance builders to toy creators need to keep up with circuitry and computing upgrades. Electronic components and design of electronics are integrated into practically every product arriving new on the market today. Even clothing, food, and medicine are expanding into digital and electronic integration as technology grows smaller and more affordable to include in products.
Are you ready to take your design of electronics to the next level by leveraging this year’s hottest trends? All of these design of electronics trends are sure to make a big splash in both dedicated and integrated circuits and chips during 2018.
Voice Control Connectivity
Instead of designing voice control hardware and software from the bottom up, why not just leapfrog off one of the more popular voice assistants like Alexa or Siri? With so many connectivity solutions emerging this year, there’s little reason to put years into developing your own freestanding design of electronics.
While initial integration options were limited by the size and cost of voice-compatible hardware, 2018 is year that takes the design of electronics to a new level of voice control. Advanced programming options allow you to create custom control schemes with minimal extra development costs for the design of electronics. Your designers can spend more time working on the software side of the equation and put far less effort into building hardware from scratch.
Machine Learning Integration
Asking your refrigerator for a temperature check is one thing, but what if the refrigerator could also suggest new items to pick up to try while you’re at the grocery store based on your preferences? Give your appliances or other products the power of machine-learning algorithms to tap into one of the hottest design of electronics trends of 2018. Machine learning has the power to solve medical mysteries, improve event security, and take many everyday products to a new level for consumers and businesses alike.
Machine learning hardware for building into this year’s products are split into two major categories depending on where the data is crunched in the design of electronics. The first category includes embedded chips that rely on constant wireless connections so that cloud resources can handle the processing and relaying necessary for truly unique results. When you need the hard work done within the product for faster results, try an on-board chip or USB dongle like the ones from Intel. These solutions come with a higher cost and require more space in or on your product, but the flexibility of onboard computing is worth the exchange. Many freestanding machine learning units feature the design of electronics to process information without a Wi-Fi or 4G connection as well. This design of electronics trend is essential for emergency, military, and outdoor applications.
Design Outsourcing
Outsourcing has been trending for years now, but many firms have kept the majority of their design of electronics work and decisions in-house in order to preserve their intellectual property. Yet a better understanding of international copyright and contract law, thanks to widespread Internet resources, empowers today’s design teams to reach out and outsource more of the design of electronics process than ever before.
Specialized design of electronics services alone are expected to produce over $157 billion USD annually by 2020. As new subcontractors and designers expand their offered services and streamline their contracting processes, the popularity of ordering a complete design of electronics package will only grow. The European Subcontracting Network has plenty of design of electronics consultants and services listed, and we expect many new qualified companies to sign up with us in the coming years.
Virtual Reality Modeling and Testing
Virtual reality has been a design of electronics myth found mainly in science fiction books and movies. Yet in the last few years alone, many companies have finally achieved the design of electronics refinements necessary for accurate virtual reality. Solutions for delivery abound in 2018, from augmented reality modeled through existing smart phones to more immersive experiences relying on specific hardware. But have you considered the power of virtual reality for product testing, advanced modeling, design of electronics, and even customer feedback on prototypes?
The falling costs and increased portability of 3D scanning technology is set to expand the value and usefulness of virtual reality for the design of electronics in 2018. Plan to explore new ways to share your products with customers, even if you’re designing items like airplanes and commuter trains that aren’t usually considered end-use products. Virtual reality is a powerful way to help people understand your services or company in a new way by going beyond what’s visible on the surface and diving into the design of electronics.
Wireless Charging
Finally, the end of 2017 saw the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) of the U.S. approve true at-a-distance wireless charging systems for the first time. Previous solutions were all close range design of electronics, such as charging mats or docks. The two products in question were both already approved by Innovation, Science, and Economic Development (ISED) of Canada and are now seeking approval from various European commissions for their design of electronics.
With the road finally paved for everyday wireless charging equipment, many manufacturers are jumping on the availability to stay ahead of consumer trends. Planning for wireless charging now is easy with the help of an experienced consultant to handle the design of electronics. Find one today by searching European Subcontracting Network.