Bosnia Grafit
la Bosnie-Herzégovine
Secteur d'activité
Fabrication de pièces de haute précision jusqu'à 10 cm3, Métaux: Métaux ferreux , Métaux: Métaux non ferreux, Modèles, Moules, Tôlerie fine, Transformation des plastiques: Produits semi-finis
Équipement spécialisé
Centre de tournage - 3 Axes, Centre Usinage - 4 Axes
Matières travaillées
Acier, Acier inoxydable, Aluminium, Bronze, Chrome, Métaux ferreux, Métaux non ferreux, Plastique, Polyamide (PA), Polyéthylène (PE), Polypropylène (PP), Thermoplastiques, Titane
Marché d`application
Agriculture, Agroalimentaire, Automobile, Construction de machines/Machines Outils, Emballage, Industrie de construction/Bâtiment, Sous-traitants industriels, Textile
Moulds,Plastic injection,Mecanic industrial parts -
Precision fabrication
Bosnia Grafit
klokotnica 74207, Industrijska zona bb
Personne de contact
Dino Cajic
D.U.N.S nombre
VAT number
BOSNIA GRAFIT d.o.o. is a family company that was founded and startedoperating in 2014 based in Klokotnica in the industrial area of theMunicipality of Doboj Istok in northern Bosnia and Herzegovina.It mainly deals with the production of mechanical components for varioussectors between here:- mechanical / textile industry- land drilling industry- pharmaceutical industry- food industry- melting industry- general mechanical industryIn the 300 m² commercial space, the company has machines for milling,turning and grinding metals and non-metals (aluminum, brass, steel,stainless steel, plastic, graphite ...)All mechanical components and manufactured assemblies are subject tocontrol during the production process and at its completion.As key factors in the realization of our production programs, we shoulddistinguish:- Professional knowledge in the organization and management of workon the production of parts- Possibility to create more types of products of different complexity- Flexibility of the machine for processing on small and medium series- Quality product- Compliance with the agreed delivery terms