Danko Systems Ltd.
Feinblechbearbeitung, Metallvearbeitung: federn, Metallvearbeitung: Halbzeuge, Metallvearbeitung: Sondermaschinen, Metallvearbeitung: Zerspannen, Metallverabeitung: Eisenmetalle, Metallverabeitung: Herstellung, Metallverabeitung: Schneiden & Ziehen , Metallverabeitung: Veredelung, thermische und Oberflächenbehandlung, Plasmaschweißen, Schweißen
Spezialisierte Ausrüstung
Bearbeitungszentrum - 4 Achsen, Biegemaschine / Rohr, Bieger, Blech-Faltmaschine, Bohrzentrum, Dreh- / Fräszentrum, Drehbank CNC - 4 Achsen, Hydraulikpresse, Laserschneiden - Flachprodukte, Laserschneiden - Profile und Rohre, PLASMA-Schweißen, Plasmaschneiden, Poliermaschine, Profilbiegemaschine, Pulverbeschichtung - Behandlungslinie, Pulverbeschichtung - Tunnel, Pulverofen, Punktschweißgerät, Radialbohrmaschine, Roboterschweißen, Säule-Bohrmaschine, Schneidpresse, Schweißmaschine, Stanzen & Schneiden - Kombiniert, Stanzmaschine, Tablettenpresse, WIG-Schweißen, Ziehpresse
Verarbeitete Materialien
Hochgeschwindigkeitsstahl, Kohlenstoffstahl, Metalle Eisen, Rostfreier Stahl, Stahl
Andere, Dienstleister / Serviceanbieter, Geräteherstellung, Industrielle Zulieferer, Landwirtschaft, Möbel , Stahl/Metalle, Umwelt
Metal structures for furniture,Metalic furniture,Medical furniture,Steel furniture,Structural part fo furniture,Folding and Sliding Systems,OFFICE FURNITURE,Steel products,Furniture store layout,In & outdoor furniture,Furniture for hospital,services for subcontractieng#,subcontractor,Furniture components,Hotel furniture
Mechanical welding and machining,Cutting,Press Cutting,Welding by robot,Mechanical welding,Laser cutting on sheet metal,Milling, turning,Bending,Laser cutting,Milling,Drilling,Industrial cutting & stamping of technical parts,Spot welding,Laser cutting on tubes and profiles,4 and 5 axis milling,Turning,Machining on turning centres,Tube cutting,Machining center, 3, 4 and 5 axis turning,3, 4 and 5 axis milling,Pipe & Profile Laser Cutting,Tube and Profile Bending,CNC Turning,CNC drilling,BENCH DRILLING,Axis drilling,Bending of round tubes,Press bending,Bending tube CNC,Wire bending CNC,Milling turning,Laser cutting of sheet metal,Milling, turning.,Tubes roll bending.,Laser cutting on sheet metal Laser cutting on tubes and profiles,Steel sheet metal work metal sheet bending,Roll bending,Sheet Metal Laser Cutting,Tube Laser Cutting,CO2 Laser Cutting,Fibre Laser Cutting,MECHANICAL CUTTING, turning,Laser cutting of metal sheets and tubes,Bending of metal sheets and tubes,Sheet Metalwork , Laser Cutting, Sheet Metal Bending , CNC Punching, Sheet metal Forming, Welding , Powder Coating,Cnc Milling, Sheet Metal Bending , CNC Punching,BENDING OF METAL,Stamping and deep drawing, punching and laser cutting, bending, robot- and manual welding, spotwelding, assembling, powder painting and KTL coating,guillotine cutting,Milling, turning, grinding, welding and assembly of mechanical sub-assemblies of medium dimensionS,CNC Machining, Cnc Milling, CNC Turning, High precision machining services, Laser cutting of sheet and tube, Manufacturing of Tooling, Precision grinding services, CNC Turning, Laser cutting of sheet and tube, Press bending, Tube and Profile Bending
Danko Systems Ltd.
Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Radoslava Naydenova
D.U.N.S numero
VAT number
Danko Systems is a metalworking company and works upon request and produces the necessary products according to customer needs.Danko Systems is specialized in the manufacturing of components for the furniture industry like: mechanisms for upholstered and cabinet furniture, hospital equipment, adjustable beds, equipment for school and kindergartens, parts, legs, constructions, trolleys and many more.You can also rely on us when accomplishing Contract Furniture projects or you need a solution, made from metal.Here is what we do:Sheet Metal ProcessingLaser cutting, CNC punching, CNC bending and parts assemblyTube and Pipe ProcessingCutting, CNC bending and CNC drillingMechanical ProcessingTurning, milling and drillingCO2 WeldingMIG welding and MAG weldingPowder CoatingPre-treatment, spraying and curing processes