Основна дейност
Металообработка: Полуготови изделия, Металообработка: Специализирани машини, Пластмаси: Полуготови и готови изделия, Формиране на термопластични материали
Специализирано оборудване
Бормашина , Гилотина , Гравьор, Колонна бормашина , Конзолен кран, Машина за електроерозионно пробиване, Машина за леене под налягане, пластмаса, Машина за сгъване на ламарина , Нишкова електроерозйна машина - 3 Оси, Плоско шлифовъчна машина, Стругова машина(Струг), Фрезови център - 4 Оси
Обработвани материали
Еластомер, Неръждаема стомана, Пластмаса, Полиетилен с висока плътност (PEHD), Полипропилен (РР), Стомана, Черни метали
Сфера на приложение
Други, Машиностроене, Производство на оборудване
Moulds,Metal parts,Industrial equipment,Moulds for plastics,Metal pieces,Plastic parts molding,Injection pieces
Moulds for plastics,Injection Molding,Press tools,EDM (Die-sinking EDM, wire-cut EDM)

Лице за контакти
Elena Chervenkova
D.U.N.S номер
ДДС Номер
ZIESTO Plc is among the leading companies in Bulgaria engaged in the production of goods for home consumption, certified according to the ISO9001:2015 quality management system.The company was founded in 1996 in Varna, Bulgaria.Since then, we have been actively present on the market, gaining the trust of customers and partners with professionalism, and responsibility, and maintaining a high quality of the manufactured products. The company constantly strives to improve its products and expand its assortment structure in accordance with customer requirements and market needs.ZIESTO Plc owns and maintains a tool workshop for the production of punches, injection molds, and specialized equipment, providing for its needs and working according to customer projects.The company's range of plastic households includes –a manual pump for bottled water, a device for fast cleaning and unclogging sink traps in kitchens and bathrooms, a tomato squeezer, a nut grinder, a ceiling-mounted clothes dryer, a cleaning kit, a citrus spray, double bowl for nuts and fruits, self-watering pots, etc.,ZIESTO Plc has an extreme export orientation of its business. About 70% of sales are outside Bulgaria. The largest share of the sales abroad is due to the manual pump for bottled water.