Mecasys s.r.o.
Основна дейност
Металообработка: Mеханична обработка, Металообработка: рязане и пресоване/изтегляне, Модели/Прототипи, Пластмаси: Последваща обработка и довършителни операции, Производство на прецизни детайли - до 10 см3, Софтуерно проектиране / програмиране
Специализирано оборудване
Измервателно устройство 3D Контрол, Обработващ център - 12 Оси, Обработващ център - 5 Оси, Обработващ център CNC - 3 Оси, Фрезови център - 4 Оси, Фрезови център - 7 Оси
Обработвани материали
Алуминий, Неръждаема стомана, Пластмаса, Стомана
Сфера на приложение
Авиация и самолетотроене, Автомобилостроене, Индустриални подизпълнители, Кораборемонт/Корабостроене, Машиностроене, Отбрана/Сигурност/Военна, Проектиране/Дизайн/Проучване, Производство на оборудване
High precision parts,CAD design,Automatic machine,Precision CNC milling,Precision CNC turning,High precision components,CMM Control of Parts,EDM cutting/deepening
CAD Design Service,Real 3D Comparison / CAD,Metal processing,Manufacturing of high precision parts housing up to 10 cm3,Prototypes,Quality Control,Production Parts,Product Design,Electronic assemblies and sub-assemblies,Mechanical welding and machining,Screw,Cutting,Automatical tools,Precision fabrication,Machining,Milling, turning
Mecasys s.r.o.
Oravská Polhora 1117, 029 47 Oravská Polhora
Лице за контакти
Matej Kurtulik
D.U.N.S номер
ДДС Номер
Our company is a leading provider of precision engineering solutions, catering to diverse industries with a comprehensive range of services. We specialize in CAD design, CNC machining, metrology, and automation technologies.In CAD design, we leverage cutting-edge software like SolidWorks to conceptualize and create intricate designs with utmost precision. Our team is skilled in translating ideas into tangible models, ensuring seamless transitions from concept to production.Our CNC machining capabilities are state-of-the-art, encompassing a wide range of machinery for both small and medium-sized parts. From 5-axis milling to EDM cutting, we have the expertise to produce complex components with exceptional accuracy and efficiency.In metrology, we utilize advanced equipment such as Coordinate Measuring Machines (CMM) to ensure the geometric dimensioning and tolerancing of our products. This meticulous approach guarantees the highest quality standards in every part we manufacture.Moreover, our automation solutions streamline production processes, enhancing efficiency and productivity. With expertise in PLC programming and electrical installation, we design and implement automated systems tailored to the specific needs of our clients.From design to production and assembly, our integrated approach ensures that every aspect of the manufacturing process is optimized for success. With a commitment to excellence and innovation, we are dedicated to delivering superior results that exceed our clients' expectations.