Tier 1Държава
Основна дейност
Промишлена поддръжка, Промишлени услуги
Специализирано оборудване
3D принтер, Машина за водно рязане , МиГ заваряване , Обработващ център CNC - 3 Оси, Хидравлична преса
Обработвани материали
Алуминий, Бронз, Високо скоростна стомана, Въглеродна стомана, Мед, Месинг, Неръждаема стомана, Полиетилен (РЕ), Полиетилен с висока плътност (PEHD), Стомана
Сфера на приложение
Автомобилостроене, Индустриални подизпълнители, Машиностроене, Проектиране/Дизайн/Проучване
Industrial equipment,Industrial filters,Complete industrial installations,Pneumatic systems,Installation and fabrication of steel structures, INSTALLATION,electrical installation,Equipment installation, Elektroinstallationen
Industrial Maintenance,Industry Services,Industrial Instalation,Industrial mechanics,On-site installation
80-758 Gdańsk Siennicka 25 a
Лице за контакти
Maciej Teus
D.U.N.S номер
ДДС Номер
Intecker is a Polish company that has been operating for years in the field of machine modernization, installation and montage of the machines. Over time, we expanded our services to include maintenance and service repairs to provide our clients with comprehensive support. Our headquarters are located in Gdańsk, where we have both an office and production facilities. However, our most valuable asset is our team of skilled mechanics, electricians, and engineers who execute projects worldwide. We have completed numerous complex assembly and machine modernization projects both in Poland and abroad. By working with us, you can be assured that the project will be successfully completed. Timeliness and high quality are our priorities. We pay great attention to every task, performing it in accordance with the appropriate standards and regulations.