Can Kalibro SRO
Tier 3Държава
Основна дейност
Индустриално оборудване и аксесоари, Металообработка: Mеханична обработка, Металообработка: Довършителни, термични и повърхностни обработки, Металообработка: Коване, Металообработка: Леярна, Металообработка: Полуготови изделия, Металообработка: Производство на метални структури, Металообработка: Промишлени крепежни елементи, Металообработка: пружини, Металообработка: рязане и пресоване/изтегляне, Металообработка: Рязане с винт, Металообработка: Специализирани машини, Металообработка: Цветни метали, Металообработка: Черни метали, Промишлена поддръжка
Специализирано оборудване
3D принтер, Стругови/Фрезови център
Обработвани материали
Сфера на приложение
Автомобилостроене, Производство на оборудване
Special machines,Metal parts,Assembly Line Industrial Automation,Machine Design,Milling, turning, grinding, welding,Tooling
Metal processing,Jigs and Fixtures,Production Parts,Prototyping,Assembly,Machining,Milling, turning,Milling,Drilling,Grinding,Machining on machining centres,Flat and cylindrical surface grinding,Assembling,Mechanical assemblies and sub-assemblies for electronics,Assembly line,CAD CAM
Can Kalibro SRO
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Our company provides uninterrupted services to the Automotive Industry since 2003. We have several references concerning “Control Fixtures (CF) for the Sheet Metal and Plastic Parts” from all major automotive companies and their sub-suppliers’ serial productions. With our expert staff, we focus on the complete project, including the full “design, manufacturing and validation process” of the Control Fixtures We, as your "Solution Partner", are always next to you in order:to replay your “new requests” during the design, the manufacturing and the validation stepsto verify and to maintain your “existing” fixtures and to apply any modifications.Our expert teams are at your dispositionwith appropriate equipment, care and diligenceto reach the desired standard qualityfor the Control Fixtures of your Sheet Metal and Plastic Parts. Our company has also integrated "Machine Automation" design and production process to its product range since 2020.